Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Graduation Goodies- yum yum!

June has rolled around and I know there are graduations going on everywhere. . . Kindergarten, Highschool, College. My "kinda" sister-in-law just finished her degree at College in Olds. I have been promising her for the last 2 years that we would have a party when she was finally done and could move home. Well a couple of weekends ago we made it happen. It was supposed to be an outdoor BBQ but turned into an indoor bash at our house instead - silly weather. Anyway here are the banner and treats I made . . . I LOVED the chocolates so I am including instructions - easy and delicious! I should have taken pictures as I made them but didn't think of it - sorry!

I used my Cricut, circle cutter and some ribbon to make a personalized banner. It was easy and I am sure I will be making these in the future for my kids' birthdays. Under the banner are the grad hat chocolates on sticks. I stuck the sticks into some styrofoam.

I made the chocolates with the mini Reese Peanut Butter Cups and squares from a chocolate bar (Dove Bar I think). I stuck them together with dipping chocolate and used a sour tape cut into strips for the tassel. I attached the tassel and little yellow candy chip using icing. Best tip: freeze the peanut butter cups first so the wrappers come off easily. Insert sticks when they are back to room temperature. Super easy and they got rave reviews for tasting great too! I did not come up with this idea - here is the AWESOME site where I found these. I can't wait until I know someone else graduating so I can make them again!